arco flute foundation
"everything after the bomb is sci-fi"
cenotaph 008
seems there’s a bit of mystery surrounding this band, i don’t know much about them. apparently this is their 3rd album for cenotaph. the songs venture off in different directions, some remind me of mogwai and others are less structured - similar to yumi bitsu. but they are certainly doing their own thing here. nice.
temporary residence ltd TRR 46
this release is a collection of 2 1/2 singles previously released. the first track “the waltz” is a nice look back at where the band started from, clocking in at just over 15 minutes - it’s a beautiful piece originally issued as an ep in the travels in constants series - which is now out of print. the b-side is not included here, most likely because the disc is already 67 minutes long. tracks 2 and 5 comprise the exquisite 12” single “looking for things, searching for things. both songs are a snapshot of just how they can create music that transcends over time. tracks 3 and 4 complete the single “two sides of myself”. everything here is a solid representation of tarentel’s voyage musically - and a welcome addition to cd.
ogurusu norihide
humour cd
carpark records CRPK015
i had never heard of ogurusu norihide before, and let me say this disc plays nicely all the way through. minimal acoustic guitar with touches of electronics and piano in all the right places. the songs evoke a presence of peace and well-being. track 3 reminds me of languis. this is minimal pop / ambient music.